Bentley Walker signs the first order for HYLAS 4 capacity
Bentley Walker has contracted for supply of capacity on HYLAS 4 across Sub-Saharan Africa in a $1 million + commitment.
As part of ongoing expansion to the Freedomsat brand, Bentley walker has identified Sub Saharan Africa as a key territory for extending high speed Ka-band satellite internet services. HYLAS 4 is on-track to be launched in the first quarter of 2017. It is a 28GHz satellite and will complete Avanti’s coverage of Europe, Africa and the Middle East.
Anthony Walker, Chief Executive Officer at Bentley Walker, commented: “As we continue to expand our territory, we need the most resilient, high quality and flexible satellite network. Avanti’s upcoming HYLAS 4 satellite will deliver all three requirements, and will provide us with the full coverage of Sub-Saharan Africa that we need.”
David Williams, Chief Executive Officer of Avanti, said: “We are seeing strong customer interest in HYLAS 4 as we count down to its launch in a year from now, from both new and existing customers. Bentley Walker is one of our key partners, renowned for its dedication to delivering the best possible services and opening new markets. HYLAS 4’s flexibility will help Bentley Walker to address the demands of both niche and mass market users in new geographies as it grows, together with Avanti.”
About Bentley Walker
Bentley Walker is ranked as the largest supplier and operator of VSAT Networks outside of North America. Comsys independently audited Bentley Walker as having around 45% of the Market in Europe and the Middle East, to date having sold and brought online over 40,000 VSATs.
Bentley Walker Ltd and Bentley Telecom are both privately owned Companies, the former started in 1947 by the Late LT Commander C Walker (George Cross DSC, DSO, DFC) RNVR in 1947 and is currently run and owned by Mr. Anthony Walker and Mr. Matthew Walker.
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